lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010


Para recibir un curso personalizado y profesional de Texas Hold'em Poker, vía correo electrónico, contácteme a través de,   o 

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

El arte de saber renunciar

Amarillo Slim dijo una vez, "Si no sabes retirarte con la mejor mano, no sabes jugar". El arte de saber renunciar está desapareciendo en el poker. Se debe a dos razones. Primeramente, los jugadores ahora son mucho más sueltos y agresivos que antes. Significa que a veces está bien igualar a otros jugadores con manos insignificantes. La segunda razón es el Internet. Es muy fácil igualar con solo hacer clic en el ratón, y aún más fácil perderse en el momento que calcular si nos han derrotado.

No obstante, saber renunciar es de suma importancia para ganar, sea cual sea su estilo de jugador.

Cuando digo renunciar me refiero a retirarse con una mano que tiene algo de valor.
No perderá más retirándose con A-K si alguien le vuelve a subir tras un flop del tipo 9-8-7. Me refiero a retirarse con manos que podrían ganar, pero a las que también se puede derrotar.

Tomar la decisión de renunciar es difícil ya que a nadie le gusta pensar que se retira con una mano ganadora.
Por lo que cuantas más veces pueda leer las manos y las probabilidades del bote para tomar la decisión más adecuada más a menudo podrá evitar perder con lo que ganará mucho más dinero a largo plazo.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Winning Poker Lessons From Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is one smart dude. And RICH.

He's the second richest man in the WORLD... right behind
Bill Gates. Forbes estimates that his net worth is $40

(How's THAT for a bankroll?)

What's interesting about Buffett is that he made his fortune
over a LONGGG period of time... by consistently beating the
stock market year after year after year.

He wasn't one of those "overnight" dot-com billionaires.

He wasn't "lucky" to be in the right place at the right

He didn't "invent" some new technology that changed the

Nope... all he did was invest and "pick winners" over and
over. Since taking control of Berkshire 40 years ago,
Buffett has delivered a compound annual return of 22%.

AND JUST BY DOING THAT, he became the 2nd richest man alive.

OK-- so why am I rambling on about 75-year old man who's
good at investing?

The reason is because I've realized that there are DOZENS of
important parallels between the STOCK MARKET and POKER.

Here are just a few:

* The stock market is often considered "gambling", due to
its unpredictable nature... just as POKER is often
considered gambling, even though it's a SKILL game.

* The stock market has a heavy emphasis on odds and
mathematics... just like poker.

* The stock market is predominately a male-driven
industry... just like poker.

* The stock market has PLENTY of up's and down's, and
"streaks"... just like poker.

* And so on.

Of course, these are "surface" similarities.

Now think about the PSYCHOLOGY of poker and the stock
market... and how they're often EXACTLY THE SAME:

* In the stock market, everyone dreams of buying that one
MIRACLE STOCK that will go from $2 to $200 and make them

In poker, everyone has their "pipe dream" of winning a huge
million-dollar tournament on ESPN.

* When a stock tanks, most investors FREAK OUT and
immediately make several bad investment decisions in a row.
It's usually THESE decisions that hurt them the most.

In poker, this is known as "tilt". Bad beats cause some
damage... but it's usually the decisions you make AFTER the
bad beats that cause you to lose the game.

* Believe it or not, most stock investors come out on the
LOSING END over time... even though the market has
historically gone UP year after year.

Most poker players end up losing over time also, despite all
the "fish" out there to prey on.

* And so on.

OK, so you get the idea.

Lately I've been reading a lot of books about the stock
market... and especially about Warren Buffett. (Hell, I need
somewhere to invest all these poker winnings!)

Anyway, here's what's REALLY interesting:

Warren Buffett's INVESTMENT APPROACH is almost identical to
the POKER STRATEGY I use every day.

And it's the SAME approach used by top poker pros to
consistently win tournaments and ring games...

Interesting, huh?

Of course, it makes sense when you think about it.

If poker and investing are similar, then the guys who beat
the STOCK MARKET probably use the same techniques as the
guys who win at POKER.

And who better to learn poker from than the "KING" of the
stock market... and the 2nd richest man in the world?


Warren Buffett operates on PRINCIPLES. He doesn't get caught
up in "hype" or emotion.

Below are the five MOST IMPORTANT principles that he
follows... and how they relate to your poker game.


Patience, patience, patience!

It's the number one mistake that causes most poker players
to lose... and it's one of the "secrets" to Buffett's 22%
annual returns.

Warren Buffett does not make an investment unless he is
absolutely 100% confident that it will make him money.

That means he PASSES UP a lot of great investment

Warren Buffett has said "no" to stocks that ended up
increasing by 10,000%!

But more importantly... he's passed up all those other
stocks that LOOKED GOOD, but PLUMMETED later.

The problem is, us human beings are addicted to ACTION and
MOVEMENT and EXCITEMENT. We don't want to just sit around
and WAIT.

But that's EXACTLY what Buffett does...

He waits.

And waits.

And waits.

He KNOWS that sooner or later, a GREAT opportunity will come
up... and then he'll jump on it.

It's the same way with poker.

You've GOT to be patient. We all want to "get in there" and
make strong bets... bluff out opponents... and take down
lots of pots. We want ACTION.


You've got to sit back... be patient... and WAIT.

Wait for good cards.

Wait for the PERFECT time to bust the manic at the table.

Wait for the PERFECT time to steal the blinds.

Wait for the PERFECT time to bluff out an opponent.

Wait for the PERFECT time to go all-in.

And then when you DO make a move...


Buffett insists on keeping 10-20% turnover with his
portfolio. This means he generally holds onto a stock for
5-10 years... AT LEAST.

This is obviously OPPOSITE of how most investors do it. Most
investors are checking the tickers every HOUR-- watching for
the slightest indication of movement or news.

More importantly... Buffett only invests in a FEW STOCKS AT

Now THIS is crucial, because it goes against everything
you've ever learned.

Growing up, you probably heard this advice a lot:

"Never put all your eggs in one basket."


Well, Warren Buffett does the OPPOSITE.

He puts all his eggs in one basket... but... he chooses that

You see, Buffett believes that if you've done your homework
and you're confident in your decision, there's NO NEED to

In fact, he believes this is the ONLY REAL WAY to get rich
in the stock market. Because if you buy LOTS of stocks, some
are doomed to go down... and that will hurt your gains.

Now think how this relates to poker.

In poker, most players risk money on LOTS of pots, and try
to get the best odds for each one... maybe 55%, 60%, and the
OCCASIONAL 70% or higher.

What PROFESSIONAL poker players do is only play those
OCCASIONAL pots with the best odds.

BUT, they risk more chips when they do it...

So instead of risking 20% of your chip stack five times...
you want to risk 90% of your chip stack ONE time. But you
choose that time VERY CAREFULLY!

For instance, let's say the "average" poker player enters
three pots where he feels the odds are in his favor.

The three pots go like this:

1.) He risks 1000 in chips with 60% odds.
2.) He risks 1000 in chips with 50% odds.
3.) He risks 1000 in chips with 60% odds.

Now... MATHEMATICALLY speaking... there are EIGHT different
ways these scenarios can go. They are as follows (a win is
designated with "W" and a loss with "L"):

1.) W-W-W
2.) W-W-L
3.) W-L-W
4.) W-L-L
5.) L-W-W
6.) L-W-L
7.) L-L-W
8.) L-L-L

If he wins all three, he ends up with 3000 chips in profit.

If he wins two but loses one, he ends up with just 1000
chips in profit.

If he LOSES two but wins one, he ends up with 1000 chips in

And he if loses all three, he loses 3000 chips total.

Get it?

Now let me share with you the PERCENTAGES of the above

Watch out, this may surprise you.

If you were to play three pots as described above and risk
1000 chips for each one, and do this exercise 100 times,
here's what would happen:

18% of the time you'd win 3,000 chips total.
42% of the time you'd win 1,000 chips total.
32% of the time you'd lose 1,000 chips total.
8% of the time you'd lose 3,000 chips total.

Your "net average" would be to PROFIT 400 CHIPS.

OK... that's the "normal" approach.

Now let's look at the WARREN BUFFETT approach.

Let's say you entered just ONE pot and risked 3000 chips
(instead of 1000) with 70% odds in your favor.

Now watch what happens:

70% of the time you'd win 3,000 chips total.
30% of the time you'd lose 3,000 chips total.

Your "net average" would be to PROFIT 1200 CHIPS.

That's TRIPLE the results over time!

The key is to get BETTER ODDS and RISK MORE.

I better interject here that I do NOT recommend being one of
those players who just sits back, waits for the "nuts", and
then goes all-in.

Not even close.

In fact, if you've read my newsletters you know that I'm a
very aggressive player who loves to push action.

The KEY is that I BUILD THIS IMAGE through techniques based
on feeler bets, positioning, and sensing weakness.


I know that when the odds are heavily in my favor, it's time
to put my eggs in one basket and go for it...


There's a popular stock market concept called, "Efficient
Market Theory" (EMT).

Most of the world's leading business schools teach this
widely-accepted concept.


Warren Buffett says that the EMT is a bunch of hogwash!

He's actually gone on record saying that part of him LOVES
the fact that business schools teach this theory: It makes
things easier on him because his competition doesn't know
what they're doing!

Now... I'm not going to argue whether the theory is right or
wrong. It doesn't matter for our discussion here.

What I find intriguing is what Buffett believes IS true
about the stock market...

You see, the EMT basically says that the stock market is
"efficient" in its pricing... and that most buy/sell
behavior is "rational".

Buffett disagrees. He is CONSTANTLY scouting for
opportunities where he thinks the market is acting in an
IRRATIONAL manner... and then he jumps on the chance to buy
an under-priced stock.

In other words, a core part of his investment philosophy is
that the stock market is NOT efficient... and that there's
always room to grow your "bankroll" when others act

It's the same with poker.

When you're playing Texas Holdem, you want to spot the
"sucker" at the table... the guy who is making IRRATIONAL

This doesn't only apply to amateurs, either. Even PROS have
"irrational" habits, tells, and "tilt" behavior.

Your OPPONENTS will open up millions of "profit
opportunities" for you... if you just watch closely.

And that brings us to the next principle:


This one has almost a direct translation to poker:


You're not playing poker against the house... you're playing
against your opponents.

With the stock market, everyone is always looking at the
PRICE of a stock to determine if it's worth buying or

Buffett actually doesn't even look at the price until LAST.
What he looks at is the VALUE OF THE BUSINESS.

He only invests in top-notch businesses that meet specific
conditions. He wants a business with strong growth prospects
LONG TERM, good management, and stable numbers.

Once he finds a business that meets these criteria, THEN he
looks at the price.

When the cards come out, what's the first thing you're
thinking about? What are you looking at?

You should be thinking about your OPPONENTS... the
POSITIONING at the table... the BETTING HABITS you've picked
up in the last few hands... and your opponents' FACES as
they look at their cards.

THEN when the action comes to you and it's YOUR TURN, you
should peek to see what you're holding.

Opponents first, cards second.


Warren Buffett is actually a very "conservative" investor,
as are most poker professionals. He'll only buy stocks that
he feels are practically "guaranteed" to go up.

You should demand a "margin of safety" on every hand you
play. This is actually much easier than it sounds.

Some of your tactics should include:

* Avoiding heads-up situations with players who have more
chips, and instead favoring those with fewer chips. (That
way if you go all-in and lose, you can still be in the

* Buying pots and bluffing when you have good positioning.
(That way you can get a read on your opponent and escape if
things go bad.)

* Only "chasing" draws when the pot odds are CONSIDERABLY in
your favor. (That way you end up way ahead over time.)

* And so on.


Perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT lesson I've learned from Warren
Buffett is to NEVER FEAR doing the "unpopular" thing.

His career PROVES that "going against the grain" is often
the BEST choice.

He doesn't live by what others do... he operates on GUIDING
PRINCIPLES that "win" over time.

Whether it's ways to leverage table positioning, tactics for
defeating common opponent styles, techniques for "stealing
the button", or figuring out the right times to bluff...

...You've got to first learn the POKER PRINCIPLES. And then
you need the GUTS and DISCIPLINE to stick to them.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Joseph Cheong's es eliminado y queda 3ro en la WSOP final table



Invitación personal de hugo roca

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martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Entrevista en Inglés al nuevo Campeón Jonathan Duhamel WSOP Main Event Winner


Únicamente Texas Hold'em Poker!

Congratulations to Jonathan Duhamel! 2010 WSOP Main Event Champion!

"Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole!" Those were the chants ringing loud and proud from Jonathan Duhamel's cheering section as his pumped two large bricks of cash over his head and into the air while posing for photos behind HIS pile of cash topped with HIS World Series of Poker Main Event championship gold bracelet! The chanting rang on and on for several long minutes while the champion soaked it all in, making sure to embrace with John Racener and have a few words with him as well.

Back on July 5, the first group of runners packed into the Amazon Room here at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino to embark on their 2010 WSOP Main Event run. After all four days of registration was complete, the field grew to 7,319 total entrants and became the second largest Main Event ever. Four months later, a champion has been crowned and it is Canadian Jonathan Duhamel who stands atop them all!

Duhamel walked into the Penn & Teller Theater on Saturday morning as the man to catch with a big lead. He eventually got a little short, then went on a tear to take an even more monstrous chip lead into this final showdown. Now, he holds a lot more than just chips with $8,944,310 in his pocket!

Heads-up play lasted 43 hands before Duhamel could finally finish off John Racener, who took home $5,545,955 for his runner-up finish. There wasn't too much to be said about this heads-up match that had Racener needing to overcome more than a 6-to-1 chip deficit when it began. Racener could only manage one double up off of Duhamel when he woke up to pocket queens in the big blind after he was shoved on. Duhamel had shoved with the [Kh[4c. Racener's queens held and there was some hope.

That one double up would be the only all-in confrontation that Racener would win though because the next time the two put all of the chips in, Duhamel left with the title. Duhamel shoved all in on the final hand with the [As[Jh. Racener was too short to pass it up and called off the last of his chips with the [Kd[8d. After the board ran out [9d[4d[4c[6c[5c, Duhamel was swarmed by a sea of red Montreal Canadians jerseys. His fans then hoisted him high into the air and bounced him up and down.

On hand to present the gold bracelet to Duhamel was none other than last year's champion and youngest Main Event winner ever Joe Cada. As Jack Effel announced and Duhamel was handed the bracelet, confetti fell from the sky with his friends and family chanting away. Duhamel said a few words to everyone here, but was mostly thankful to everyone and short on words, clearly in shock from what has just taken place. "Thank you to everybody for being here, it's a dream come true," Duhamel said. "I don't know what to think, I don't know what to say," he finished. Don't worry Duhamel, we completely understand.

That officially wraps up PokerNews' coverage of the 2010 World Series of Poker. Congratulations to all of the winners, the players who reached the November Nine and especially to the new champion Jonathan Duhamel! It was another great year on the felt and we would like to thank everyone for following along with us. Until next time, you can bet that you'll find us at the bar. Hopefully Duhamel's buying!

11/8/2010 10:08:43 PM PST (about 7 hours and 49 minutes ago)
Hand #262: John Racener Eliminated in 2nd Place ($5,545,955); Jonathan Duhamel Wins 2010 WSOP Main Event!

John Racener - 2nd Place

Jonathan Duhamel has the button.

Duhamel's not letting up. He shoves again. This time John Racener calls for 14.95 million. The cards are on their backs:


Duhamel: [as[jh

Racener: [kd[8d

Improbably, after shoving several hands in a row, Duhamel turns up with a big ace here. He's a 3-to-2 favorite against Racener's suited king. Off to the flop they go:


Duhamel is pumping his fists below the level of the rail as he dances around on his feet. Racener is also standing, shifting his weight nervously from one foot to the other as he awaits the turn...


Still neither player has improved. Racener is down to his last chance. He needs to catch a king or an eight on the river or we'll have a champion. Here's the river...


It's over! Duhamel runs back to his rail, many of whom are dressed in Montreal Canadien jerseys. They lift him off of his (un-shoed) feet in a sea of red and start chanting "Ole! Ole Ole Ole! Ole! Ole!" For the first time in WSOP history, the Main Event champion is a Canadian!

Racener is consoled by his own fans. For 2nd place, he gets $5,545,955.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Tournament Updates | Official World Series of Poker Online


Tournament Updates | Official World Series of Poker Online


Suramérica Centroamérica

Jugador Venezolano Néstor Camacho murió tras accidente marítimo

Nestor CamachoEl jugador de poker profesional Néstor Camacho, mejor conocido como el Papa, falleció cuando la lancha que transportaba choco contra un muelle mientras regresaban de un día de playa en Falcón.

Amigos y compañeros, informaron este domingo del fallecimiento del jugador venezolano, Néstor Camacho fue trasladado a un hospital de la región luego de que la embarcación donde se trasladaba con unos amigos, sufrió un accidente al momento de su llegar al muelle.

Mamoun El Hinnawi, ganador de Octubre en el Gran Casino Margarita

Mamoun El HinnawiLuego de una larga contienda de la 9na Edición del del Cirsa Poker Tour en el Gran Casino Margarita, el día lunes 18 de octubre, a la 5 de la madrugada se cerro el trato definitivo entre los cuatro últimos jugadores de la Mesa Final que dio el Triunfo a Mamoun El Hinnawi, 23 años, oriundo de la ciudad de San Cristóbal, y con tan solo 4 años jugando el Poker ya logra su primer Trofeo en uno de los Torneos más deseados de Venezuela.

Victoria para el "papadelpoker" panameño en el penúltimo Sunday Million del mes

Jose M. de la Guardia
papadelpoker - Jose M. de la Guardia

El del 22 de noviembre fue un domingo estándar, igual que el Sunday Million. Comparado con el tremendo éxito de la semana pasada con sus 2,5 millones garantizados, que llevó a 18.283 jugadores a registrarse y a un premio acumulado total de 3.656.600 $, esta semana el torneo más grande de toda internet volvió a la normalidad.

Pero "normalidad" es un término relativo, y aquí lo usamos para describir el torneo de poker que todo jugador querría ganar. Pero claro, el premio garantizado ha vuelto a los 1,5 millones "normales", y el número de participantes de nuevo a los 8.000 "habituales".

Norteamérica Caribe

El World Poker Tour de Foxwoods finaliza con la victoria de Jeff Forrest

Jeff ForrestCon una inscripción de $10.000 por cabeza, la última edición del World Poker Tour celebrada en el Casino Foxwoods (Connecticut, USA), consiguió reunir a un total de 242 jugadores. Estas inscripciones sumaron un total de $548.752 para el vencedor del evento, que tras cinco días de torneo fue finalmente el jugador norteamericano Jeff Forrest

La suerte sonrió a Jeff Forrest, que pese a ser un jugador reconocido a nivel online era la primera vez que participaba en un evento en vivo del WPT.

Terrence Chan no volverá a entrar en EE.UU.

Terrence ChanTerrence Chan ha recogido en su blog un incidente que le pasó hace poco, cuando le fue denegada la entrada en los Estados Unidos por el departamento estatal de "Homeland Security". Chan entraba desde Canadá, que es donde vive, pero le fue vetado el acceso en los EE.UU. dos veces.

Su plan de viaje era muy simple, tal y como cuenta en su blog. "Tenía un plan para los dos meses siguientes, era muy simple. Bajar al World Championships, en Long Beach, y participar. Entrenar algo de jiujitsu y algo de muay-thai y lucha libre. Alquilar un apartamento, puede que en la playa, con algún sitio cerca en el que sirviesen tacos".

Majestic Poker House, La primera sala de poker en RD

Poker House República DominicanaCon esta nueva oferta la firma se coloca a la altura de otras salas internacionales de poker y que Cirsa Dominicana demuestra una vez más que es el líder en el mercado de ocio local.

En las modernas instalaciones del Restaurante Lola del Casino Majestic, los directivos y ejecutivos del Cirsa Businees Corporation, anunciaron el Majestic Poker House, con la que la firma de juegos de azar apuesta al éxito de sus clientes.

La industria del juego colabora con la ayuda internacional en Haití.

Bandera de HaitíEn la noche del martes, durante el PokerStars Caribbean Adventure, un poco de nerviosismo comenzó a extenderse por el Salón Imperial al empezarse a oír rumores incompletos de un terremoto en Haití. Las palabras "alerta de tsunamis" se lanzaban por la sala como una historia de bad beats. Durante unas horas, la broma en las mesas era averiguar cómo proteger tus fichas si una enorme ola invadía la sala.

Las bromas y el nerviosismo de las "hipótesis" sobre que "qué pasaría si…" desgraciadamente no tenían comparación con la tragedia que se desarrolla a 500 millas al sur en la parte ocidental de la isla de la Española.

Europa Asia

Descalifican a finalista de torneo de poker de Cannes por tramposo

Partouche Poker TourUn jugador alemán fue descalificado este viernes en la víspera de la final del Partouche Poker Tour, uno de los torneos de poker más importantes de Europa que se disputa en Cannes (sudeste), por supuestas trampas cometidas durante la ronda clasificatoria, informó la organización.

El presunto tramposo, Ali Tekintamgacv, de nacionalidad alemana, "ha sido descalificado tras considerarle culpable de maniobras fraudulentas", precisó a la AFP la organización.

Michael Eiler se lleva el EPT Viena

Michael EilerLlegamos al último día del EPT Viena para ver una coronación. ¿Conseguiría Daniel Negreanu hacerse con tan esperada victoria? No, lo cierto es que no lo haría.

Finalmente fue el el joven de 20 años Michael Eiler quien se convirtió en el nuevo campeón; el primer alemán que gana un EPT desde la quinta temporada. Su mayor logro hasta la fechas era una mesa final en el Sunday Million, ahora ha trasladado su éxito al mundo real y es 700.000 € más rico y dueño de un titulo de un EPT.

El niño del medio millón de dólares

SiluetaLa historia de un joven indio que se ha hecho millonario jugando al poker por internet da la vuelta al mundo · Ningún medio ha podido contrastar la veracidad de la historia

La historia de Aashish Nanak es de esas que cualquiera desearía que fuera verdad. La noticia de que este niño de 8 años ha ganado medio millón de dólares con el poker online ha corrido de web en web. Ninguna ha conseguido datos concretos que eliminen las dudas sobre su veracidad. Slumdog Millionaire narrado con el lenguaje de las barajas.

Fallece Amir Vahedi, profesional de poker iraquí y entrenador de Ben Affleck

Amir VahediLa noticia se conoció durante la tarde-noche del 9 de enero y por medio de Mark Seif, quien a través de su sitio web le comunicó al mundo del poker que Amir Vahedi había fallecido el día anterior. La confirmación de ésta noticia dejó sin aliento a la comunidad del poker siendo que Vahedi era conocido como uno de los jugadores más habilidosos y amigables que puedan encontrarse en las mesas de poker, siempre con una sonrisa en la cara, una broma que contar y su característico cigarro en la boca. Sin embargo, a la joven edad de 48 años, Vahedi murió debido a complicaciones de salud relacionadas con su larga batalla contra la diabetes.

Las primeras palabras de Seif acerca de Vahedi provinieron a través de su sitio web y sostenían: "Acabo de ser informado por amigos cercanos a Amir Vahedi que ha fallecido en Las Vegas el 8 de enero de 2010 debido a complicaciones relacionadas con los niveles de azúcar en sangre. Espero más información. Son noticias devastadoras. Es muy, muy triste".

Africa Oceanía

Las WSOP se van hasta Sudáfrica para disputar dos eventos

SudáfricaLas WSOP Africa tendrán lugar en el Emerald Resort & Casino entre el 24 y el 31 de octubre

La popularidad del poker sigue creciendo en todo el mundo y cada vez son más las personas que juegan en su tiempo libre. Los organizadores de las WSOP han tenido esto muy en cuenta y han empezado a pensar en otros destinos, además de Norteamérica y Europa, como es el caso de Sudáfrica.

Christophe Savary gana el WPT Marrakech

Christophe SavaryEl tercer y último día del World Poker Tour en su parada en Marrakech reunía a 17 jugadores de los 416 que habían comenzado. En su modalidad no-limit holdem poker, fue Christophe Savary quien se alzó finalmente con la victoria, recaudando por ella €377,262.

El Main Event, con un buyin de €4,500 tuvo una última mesa dominada por Ludovic Lacay, Benjamin Spindler y Tristan Clemencon, pero casualmente fue Clemenco el primero en caer eliminado en décima posición, llevándose €23,025. Costó más de cinco horas que la mesa se quedase en seis jugadores, y cuando esto sucedió Lacay se confirmaba como el chip leader absoluto del torneo (con más de dos millones de fichas) y máximo favorito para llevárselo.

Victoria del australiano Julian Cohen en el ANZPT de Queenstown

Julian CohenEl circuito Australia New Zealand Poker Tour celebró el pasado fin de semana la quinta etapa de su segunda temporada en terreno neozelandés. El jugador Julian 'Intimid8or32' Cohen se hizo con la victoria por un primer premio de 73.630 dólares, siendo Andrew Watson su rival en el cara a cara y con un segundo premio de 46.860 dólares.

El torneo tenía un coste de inscripción de 2.625 dólares y tan sólo participaron 119 jugadores. Con tan escasa participación y sólo 15 puestos pagados, la organización confesó públicamente su descontento acerca del recibimiento del mismo en la comunidad pokerística.

Pokerplayer pierde su Ferrari

Van MarcusEl Poker Pro; Van Marcus perdió su Ferrari F430 Spider la noche del 14 de mayo.

El coche de Marcus fue robado en las narices de todo el mundo. Marcus estaba dentro del Casino Crown ubicado en Melbourne, Australia; alrededor de las 12:30a.m; cuando un hombre vestido con una camisa de franela y pantalones de chándal recogió las llaves del Ferrari F430 Spider.

WSOP Otras Noticias

Dos jóvenes de 22 y 24 años, nuevos multimillonarios

WSOP 2010El canadiense Jonathan Duhamel, de 22 años, y el estadounidense John Racener, de 24, jugarán el cara a cara final del torneo principal de las Series Mundiales de 2010, una vez eliminados los otro siete participantes en la mesa final de las WSOP más joven de la historia. Duhamel, que multiplica por seis la cantidad de fichas de su rival, es claro favorito para llevarse los 8,94 millones de dólares que acompañan al brazalete de campeón. El perdedor se consolará sin grandes dificultades con 5,5 millones.

Comienza la mesa final para decidir el ganador de las WSOP 2010

Brazalete WSOP 2010Por fin comienza la mesa final para decidir el ganador de las WSOP 2010. Tras meses de espera, ha comenzado la mesa final del Main Event de las WSOP 2010

Los finalistas de las WSOP (los conocidos November Nine) se enfrentarán en Las Vegas, por un primer premio de $8,944,138. Para el evento se ha tenido que ampliar el aforo del teatro, Penn & Teller del Río, lugar donde se jugará la mesa final.

La aplicación de poker de Facebook compromete información personal

virus-facebookLa aplicación para jugar Texas Hold 'Em en Facebook es una de las más populares en relación con los medios sociales. Sin embargo BoDog Beat ha hecho un descubrimiento que tal vez haga pensar dos veces a los usuarios al usar dicha aplicación.

En un reciente artículo de Wall Street Journal, se comentó que dich aplicación, permite la transmission de información personal de los usuarios de Facebook, a Fuentes externas. Se descubrió tambien que muchas otras aplicaciones han estado empleado tácticas un tanto deshonestas incluyendo la popular Farmville.


La Escuela de Poker Online más grande del mundo

IntellipokerPokerStars no solo es el sitio mas grande de poker del mundo sino que también tiene la escuela de poker mas grande, ahora Intellipoker, cuenta con gran ayuda latinoamericana. Anteriormente, Intellipoker estaba dirigida para los jugadores españoles, pero gracias al idioma y a la hermandad que nos une, ahora la escuela también será dirigida para los jugadores latinoamericanos. Así que juntos somos mas!

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010



Final Table Level: 40 Blinds: 600000 / 1200000 Ante: 200000 Players Left: 2

Updates on Final Table (Nov 06, 10)


Heads Up Play Begins Monday at 8:00 PST

We’re now down to our final two competitors. Who will take it down? Will it be Jonathan Duhamel, the massive chip leader who is looking to become the first Canadian to win the main event? Or will it be John Racener, who must now overcome a huge chip differential to pick up the title?
Be sure to check back on Monday at 8:00 PST to see who will leave the Rio $8,944,138 richer. Take a look at the heads up chip counts below.
Seat 4: Jonathan Duhamel — 188,450,000
Seat 7: John Racener — 30,750,000
Stay tuned for a complete recap of the day’s events.
Player Tags: Jonathan Duhamel,   John Racener

Level 40: The Grind Comes To An End, Candio Buried, Duhamel Surges, Cheong Blows Up

Blinds: 600,000-1,200,000 with a 200,000 ante
Players Remaining: 2 out of 7,319
Average Chip Count: 109,785,000
Tournament Leaderboard:
Seat 2: Joseph Cheong — 3rd Place ($4,129,979)
Seat 4: Jonathan Duhamel — 200,100,000
Seat 5: Michael Mizrachi — 5th Place ($2,332,960)
Seat 7: John Racener — 29,200,000
Seat 8: Filippo Candio — 4th Place ($3,092,497)
Big Hands:
Jonathan Duhamel Wins Nice Pot (12:35 a.m.)
Michael Mizrachi raised to 3,100,000 from under the gun and was called by Jonathan Duhamel in the big blind.
The flop fell AHeart Suit5Diamond Suit2Heart Suit and both players checked. The turn was the 7Club Suit and Duhamel bet 3,400,000. Mizrachi called and the river was the QDiamond Suit.
Duhamel then bet 5,750,000 and Mizrachi called, showing AClub Suit8Club Suit. Duhamel turned over ADiamond SuitJDiamond Suit, however, and had him outkicked. Mizrachi absorbed the big hit, losing over 1/4 of his total stack.
Michael Mizrachi
Michael Mizrachi Eliminated in Fifth Place — $2,332,960 (1:00 a.m.) Jonathan Duhamel completed from the small blind and Michael Mizrachi checked his option. The flop fell QClub Suit5Diamond Suit4Spade Suit and Duhamel checked.
Mizrachi bet 2,000,000 and Duhamel raised. Mizrachi then moved all in and Duhamel instantly called with a slow played ADiamond SuitAClub Suit. Mizrachi showed QDiamond Suit8Heart Suit for top pair and needed help to stay alive.
The turn was the JDiamond Suit and the river was the KDiamond Suit, offering no help to the Grinder who hit the rail. Duhamel is now riding high with over 91,000,000.
Filippo Candio
Filippo Candio Eliminated in Fourth Place — $3,092,497 (1:33 a.m.) Filippo Candio moved all in from the small blind and Joseph Cheong made the call from the big blind.
Candio showed KDiamond SuitQDiamond Suit, but was behind to Cheong’s AClub Suit3Club Suit. The board ran out AHeart Suit7Diamond Suit2Spade Suit5Heart Suit4Spade Suit and Cheong’s straight knocked Candio from the tournament. After the hand, Cheong took a slight chip lead over Duhamel, with Racener rounding out the bottom of the leader board.
Jonathan Duhamel Wins Huge Pot From Joseph Cheong (1:56 a.m.)
Jonathan Duhamel raised to 2,800,000 and Joseph Cheong called from the big blind. The flop fell 10Club Suit6Club Suit6Heart Suit and Duhamel continued with a bet of 2,750,000.
Cheong check-raised to 6,750,000 and Duhamel called. The turn was the 9Spade Suit and Cheong bet 5,500,000. Duhamel called and the river was the KClub Suit.
Cheong bet 13,500,000 and Duhamel called with ADiamond SuitKHeart Suit. After seeing his hand, Cheong mucked and took a hit to under 80,000,000. Duhamel is now up to 110,000,000.
Joseph Cheong Gets Some Back (1:02 a.m.)
Keep in mind the time stamps have now gone back one hour due to daylight savings.
Joseph Cheong raised to 2,500,000 and Jonathan Duhamel reraised to 6,850,000. Cheong then reraised to 16,250,000 and Duhamel folded.
A Shy Set For Racener (1:20 a.m.)
Jonathan Duhamel raised too 2,500,000 and John Racener called from the small blind. Joseph Cheong called from the big blind and the flop came ASpade Suit4Club Suit3Club Suit.
Everyone checked and the turn was the 2Diamond Suit. Cheong bet 3,500,000 and Duhamel folded. Racener called and the river was the 9Heart Suit.
Cheong checked and Racener checked behind, showing 3Spade Suit3Diamond Suit for a set. Cheong mucked and Racener chipped up to nearly 35,000,000.
Jonathan Duhamel Doubles Up Through Joseph Cheong (1:31 a.m.)
Joseph Cheong raised too 2,900,000 from the small blind and Jonathan Duhamel reraised to 6,750,000. Cheong four bet to 14,250,000 and Duhamel reraised once again to 22,750,000. Cheong thought it over for a bit before announcing all in and Duhamel snap called.
Cheong let out a moan and turned over ASpade Suit7Heart Suit, while Duhamel excitedly showed QClub SuitQDiamond Suit.
The flop came down 9Heart Suit3Diamond Suit2Club Suit and Duhamel remained in the lead. The turn was the 6s and Cheong was left looking for one of the last three aces.
The river was the 8Spade Suit and Duhamel doubled up to take a monster chip lead. Cheong was left with about 8,000,000 in chips and crippled. According to tournament director Jack Effel, the pot was the largest ever in WSOP history.
Joseph Cheong
Joseph Cheong Doubles Through Jonathan Duhamel (1:40 a.m.) Jonathan Duhamel raised to 3,000,000 on the button and Joseph Cheong moved all in for 6,750,000 from the big blind.
Duhamel called with KDiamond Suit9Club Suit and he was ahead of Cheong’s 7Club Suit3Spade Suit.
The board fell KSpade SuitJDiamond Suit3Club Suit3Heart SuitAHeart Suit, however, and Cheong doubled up to about 14,000,000.
Joseph Cheong Eliminated in Third Place — $4,129,979 (1:48 a.m.)
Joseph Cheong moved all in from the small blind holding QClub Suit10Spade Suit and Jonathan Duhamel called from the big blind holding ASpade Suit2Club Suit.
The board fell KSpade Suit9Club Suit6Club Suit6Heart Suit7Club Suit and Cheong was eliminated.

Level 39: John Dolan Eliminated by Jonathan Duhamel

Blinds: 500,000-1,000,000 with a 150,000 ante
Players Remaining: 5 out of 7,319
Average Chip Count: 43,914,000
Tournament Leaderboard:
Seat 2: Joseph Cheong — 67,750,000
Seat 3: John Dolan — 6th Place ($1,772,939)
Seat 4: Jonathan Duhamel — 56,550,000
Seat 5: Michael Mizrachi — 39,500,000
Seat 7: John Racener — 26,550,000
Seat 8: Filippo Candio — 29,950,000
Big Hands:
John Dolan
John Dolan Eliminated in Sixth Place — $1,772,939 (10:25 p.m.) John Dolan moved all in from the small blind for his last 13,500,000 and Jonathan Duhamel called from the big blind.
Dolan showed QDiamond Suit5Diamond Suit and was happy to see Duhamel turn over 4Club Suit4Diamond Suit for a race situation.
The board rolled out JHeart Suit7Heart Suit6Heart Suit9Heart Suit3Club Suit, giving Dolan some sweat but no help to send him to the rail.
John Racener Doubles Through Michael Mizrachi (10:47 p.m.)
Michael Mizrachi raised to 2,500,000 and John Racener moved all in behind him for 9,825,000.
Mizrachi didn’t like it, but he made the call, showing ADiamond Suit8Diamond Suit. Racener showed ASpade SuitKDiamond Suit and had the Grinder dominated.
The board rolled out 10Heart Suit2Heart Suit2Spade SuitKClub SuitJHeart Suit and Racener doubled up to over 21,000,000. Mizrachi is still strong with just under 60,000,000.
Joseph Cheong Pushes John Racener Around (11:05 p.m.)
Jonathan Duhamel raised to 2,300,000 from under the gun and John Racener raised too 6,200,000. Joseph Cheong then four-bet to 12,500,000 an Duhamel folded.
Racener thought it over for a bit, but ultimately decided on a fold.
John Racener Gets Lucky To Double Up (11:10 p.m.)
John Racener raised to 2,200,000 and Jonathan Duhamel moved all in from the big blind.
Racener took a few moments before calling all in, but he was in terrible shape holding ASpade SuitQSpade Suit against Duhamel’s AClub SuitKHeart Suit.
The board fell QDiamond Suit8Club Suit4Heart SuitJDiamond Suit3Club Suit, however, and Racener doubled up to nearly 40,000,000 in chips.
Jonathan Duhamel Doubles Through Michael Mizrachi (11:18 p.m.)
Jonathan Duhamel raised to 2,500,000 from the small blind and Michael Mizrachi moved all in from the big blind. Duhamel called and revealed ASpade Suit9Heart Suit, which were racing against Mizrachi’s 3Spade Suit3Heart Suit.
The board came out KHeart Suit9Diamond Suit5Diamond Suit9Club SuitJHeart Suit and all of a sudden Duhamel was back in second place. The Grinder meanwhile took a major hit to fall into last place.
Mizrachi Grinds Some Back From Racener (11:34 p.m.)
John Racener raised to 2,300,000 from under the gun and Michael Mizrachi called in the big blind. The flop came down KClub Suit9Heart Suit4Diamond Suit and Mizrachi checked.
Racener bet 2,800,000 and Mizrachi called. The turn was the 6Diamond Suit and both players checked. The river was the 9Diamond Suit and Mizrachi bet 5,000,000.
Racener stared Mizrachi down for two minutes before finally mucking his hand. Mizrachi is over the 35,000,000 mark and is slowly creeping back into contention.
Grinder Fights Back (12:03 a.m.)
Michael Mizrachi raised to 2,500,000 and Joseph Cheong called from the big blind. The flop hit 10Spade Suit9Spade Suit2Spade Suit and both players checked.
The turn was the QSpade Suit and Cheong bet 2,525,000. Mizrachi called and the river was the 3Club Suit. Both players checked and Mizrachi showed KClub Suit10Club Suit for second pair to take the pot.