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Estimado hugoroca, Nos complace invitarte a participar en el: Torneo *Knock-Out* Bs. 3.000 ASEGURADOS!!!
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Torneo Especial MID-SUNDAY Bs. 10.000 asegurados
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Bienvenido!... Este blog es TODO LO QUE USTED NECESITA SABER PARA MEJORAR de manera consistente su Texas Hold'em Poker... Para recibir un curso personalizado de Texas Hold'em Poker, contácteme vía correo electrónico: cohetesyconsistencia@gmail.com ...SUS COMENTARIOS SON BIENVENIDOS...!
miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010
Elimina a un Team Pro JuegaPoker y gana Bs. 100
lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010
Jared Jaffee on Short-Stack Play:
The shorter your stack, the more likely you are to get called. If you're playing in the right spot, it's not hard to find a double-up. Clearly you're going to have to pick up a hand, and you're going to have to hold up or hit the flop, but the point is that if you're super-short, getting that action is the easiest opportunity you'll have in that tournament. If people like to gamble or get their money in good, that is going to be your best opportunity to double the whole way. That gives you more incentive to pick and choose your battles, even when you're in a tough spot. At the Wynn, for example, it was day 2 and I was down to four blinds at one point with 100 people left, and I went on to finish in second place in the tournament. I wasn't very confident at that point, but many people have come back from super-short stacks to win tournaments. That's the most important thing to remember when you play in these big tournaments. -- Jared Jaffee |
domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010
Tabla de probabilidad del Blackjack (21)
Carta del Casino
Tus cartas | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | A |
1-8 | H | H | H | H | H | H | H | H | H | H |
9 | H | D | D | D | D | H | H | H | H | H |
10 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | H | H |
11 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | H |
12 | S | S | S | S | S | H | H | H | H | H |
13 | S | S | S | S | S | H | H | H | H | H |
14 | S | S | S | S | S | H | H | H | H | H |
15 | S | S | S | S | S | H | H | H | H | H |
16 | S | S | S | S | S | H | H | H | H | H |
17-21 | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S |
A,2 | H | H | H | D | D | H | H | H | H | H |
A,3 | H | H | H | D | D | H | H | H | H | H |
A,4 | H | H | D | D | D | H | H | H | H | H |
A,5 | H | H | D | D | D | H | H | H | H | H |
A,6 | H | D | D | D | D | H | H | H | H | H |
A,7 | S | D | D | D | D | S | S | H | H | H |
A,8-9 | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S |
2,2 | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | H | H | H | H |
3,3 | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | H | H | H | H |
4,4 | H | H | H | Sp | Sp | H | H | H | H | H |
5,5 | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | H | H |
6,6 | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | H | H | H | H | H |
7,7 | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | H | H | H | H |
8,8 | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp |
9,9 | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | S | Sp | Sp | S | S |
10,10 | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S |
A,A | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp | Sp |
Cómo leer la tabla ?
H = Hit, es decir pedir una carta adicional (golpear)
S = Stand, es decir quedarse como está (retener)
D = Doblar, es decir duplicar su apuesta
Sp = Split, es decir dividir su juego cuando tiene dos cartas iguales
Por ejemplo :Si el casino tiene 6 y Usted tiene 13, debe quedarse parado
Si el casino tiene 9 y Usted tiene 16, debe pedir una carta
Si el casino tiene 7 y Usted tiene 10, debe doblar su apuesta
Si el casino tiene 10 y Usted dos 8, debe dividir sus cartas
Esta tabla define la actuación más favorable en cada caso en función de las probabilidades.
Sin embargo, no hace milagros.
Si tiene malas cartas, por ejemplo 16, lo más probable es que el casino gane esta mano.
La filosofía de esta tabla, es que cuando la carta visible del casino es mala (pequeña), debe tratar de duplicar sus apuestas, dividir sus cartas o quedarse parado porque lo más probable (pero no siempre) es que el casino se pase de 21. Por otro lado, si el casino tiene una buena carta, deberá tomar el riesgo de pasarse de 21 porque de lo contrario es muy probable que si se queda plantado perderá la mano. Caso particular : solo se puede doblar apuesta en las primeras dos cartas, por lo tanto si tiene más de dos cartas, deberá pedir cartas en caso de que la tabla indica doblar. Después de recibir una nueva carta, debera evaluar de nuevo la situación y actuar en función de lo que dice la tabla.
lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010
lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010
El arte de saber renunciar
No obstante, saber renunciar es de suma importancia para ganar, sea cual sea su estilo de jugador.
Cuando digo renunciar me refiero a retirarse con una mano que tiene algo de valor. No perderá más retirándose con A-K si alguien le vuelve a subir tras un flop del tipo 9-8-7. Me refiero a retirarse con manos que podrían ganar, pero a las que también se puede derrotar.
Tomar la decisión de renunciar es difícil ya que a nadie le gusta pensar que se retira con una mano ganadora. Por lo que cuantas más veces pueda leer las manos y las probabilidades del bote para tomar la decisión más adecuada más a menudo podrá evitar perder con lo que ganará mucho más dinero a largo plazo.
domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010
Winning Poker Lessons From Warren Buffett
He's the second richest man in the WORLD... right behind
(How's THAT for a bankroll?)
What's interesting about Buffett is that he made his fortune
He wasn't one of those "overnight" dot-com billionaires.
He wasn't "lucky" to be in the right place at the right
He didn't "invent" some new technology that changed the
Nope... all he did was invest and "pick winners" over and
AND JUST BY DOING THAT, he became the 2nd richest man alive.
OK-- so why am I rambling on about 75-year old man who's
The reason is because I've realized that there are DOZENS of
Here are just a few:
* The stock market is often considered "gambling", due to
* The stock market has a heavy emphasis on odds and
* The stock market is predominately a male-driven
* The stock market has PLENTY of up's and down's, and
* And so on.
Of course, these are "surface" similarities.
Now think about the PSYCHOLOGY of poker and the stock
* In the stock market, everyone dreams of buying that one
In poker, everyone has their "pipe dream" of winning a huge
* When a stock tanks, most investors FREAK OUT and
In poker, this is known as "tilt". Bad beats cause some
* Believe it or not, most stock investors come out on the
Most poker players end up losing over time also, despite all
* And so on.
OK, so you get the idea.
Lately I've been reading a lot of books about the stock
Anyway, here's what's REALLY interesting:
Warren Buffett's INVESTMENT APPROACH is almost identical to
And it's the SAME approach used by top poker pros to
Interesting, huh?
Of course, it makes sense when you think about it.
If poker and investing are similar, then the guys who beat
And who better to learn poker from than the "KING" of the
Below are the five MOST IMPORTANT principles that he
It's the number one mistake that causes most poker players
Warren Buffett does not make an investment unless he is
That means he PASSES UP a lot of great investment
Warren Buffett has said "no" to stocks that ended up
But more importantly... he's passed up all those other
The problem is, us human beings are addicted to ACTION and
But that's EXACTLY what Buffett does...
He waits.
And waits.
And waits.
He KNOWS that sooner or later, a GREAT opportunity will come
It's the same way with poker.
You've GOT to be patient. We all want to "get in there" and
You've got to sit back... be patient... and WAIT.
Wait for good cards.
Wait for the PERFECT time to bust the manic at the table.
Wait for the PERFECT time to steal the blinds.
Wait for the PERFECT time to bluff out an opponent.
Wait for the PERFECT time to go all-in.
And then when you DO make a move...
This is obviously OPPOSITE of how most investors do it. Most
More importantly... Buffett only invests in a FEW STOCKS AT
Now THIS is crucial, because it goes against everything
Growing up, you probably heard this advice a lot:
"Never put all your eggs in one basket."
Well, Warren Buffett does the OPPOSITE.
He puts all his eggs in one basket... but... he chooses that
You see, Buffett believes that if you've done your homework
In fact, he believes this is the ONLY REAL WAY to get rich
Now think how this relates to poker.
In poker, most players risk money on LOTS of pots, and try
What PROFESSIONAL poker players do is only play those
BUT, they risk more chips when they do it...
So instead of risking 20% of your chip stack five times...
For instance, let's say the "average" poker player enters
The three pots go like this:
1.) He risks 1000 in chips with 60% odds.
Now... MATHEMATICALLY speaking... there are EIGHT different
1.) W-W-W
If he wins all three, he ends up with 3000 chips in profit.
If he wins two but loses one, he ends up with just 1000
If he LOSES two but wins one, he ends up with 1000 chips in
And he if loses all three, he loses 3000 chips total.
Get it?
Now let me share with you the PERCENTAGES of the above
Watch out, this may surprise you.
If you were to play three pots as described above and risk
18% of the time you'd win 3,000 chips total.
Your "net average" would be to PROFIT 400 CHIPS.
OK... that's the "normal" approach.
Now let's look at the WARREN BUFFETT approach.
Let's say you entered just ONE pot and risked 3000 chips
Now watch what happens:
70% of the time you'd win 3,000 chips total.
Your "net average" would be to PROFIT 1200 CHIPS.
That's TRIPLE the results over time!
The key is to get BETTER ODDS and RISK MORE.
I better interject here that I do NOT recommend being one of
Not even close.
In fact, if you've read my newsletters you know that I'm a
The KEY is that I BUILD THIS IMAGE through techniques based
I know that when the odds are heavily in my favor, it's time
Most of the world's leading business schools teach this
Warren Buffett says that the EMT is a bunch of hogwash!
He's actually gone on record saying that part of him LOVES
Now... I'm not going to argue whether the theory is right or
What I find intriguing is what Buffett believes IS true
You see, the EMT basically says that the stock market is
Buffett disagrees. He is CONSTANTLY scouting for
In other words, a core part of his investment philosophy is
It's the same with poker.
When you're playing Texas Holdem, you want to spot the
This doesn't only apply to amateurs, either. Even PROS have
Your OPPONENTS will open up millions of "profit
And that brings us to the next principle:
You're not playing poker against the house... you're playing
With the stock market, everyone is always looking at the
Buffett actually doesn't even look at the price until LAST.
He only invests in top-notch businesses that meet specific
Once he finds a business that meets these criteria, THEN he
When the cards come out, what's the first thing you're
You should be thinking about your OPPONENTS... the
THEN when the action comes to you and it's YOUR TURN, you
Opponents first, cards second.
You should demand a "margin of safety" on every hand you
Some of your tactics should include:
* Avoiding heads-up situations with players who have more
* Buying pots and bluffing when you have good positioning.
* Only "chasing" draws when the pot odds are CONSIDERABLY in
* And so on.
His career PROVES that "going against the grain" is often
He doesn't live by what others do... he operates on GUIDING
Whether it's ways to leverage table positioning, tactics for
...You've got to first learn the POKER PRINCIPLES. And then
miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010
Invitación personal de hugo roca
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Invitación personal de hugo roca | ![]() | |||
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